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Remote and hybrid working environments are the new reality for most businesses. These arrangements come with a host of challenges – ensuring employee productivity is a major one.
Access One now offers a tool that will help you monitor and track worker productivity – no matter where your employees are. Prodoscore is the solution you need to ensure your workers stay on track whether working from home, in a hybrid model, or fully back in the office.
Even in the days when businesses were run primarily from a physical office, it was hard to track worker productivity. Most businesses that attempted to do this did it based on percent-to-quota and revenue – lagging indicators that aren’t ultimately useful as actionable data.
Employee activity is a leading indicator that gives your business the information you need to truly understand how much your employees are working. Prodoscore leverages machine learning, AI, and natural language processing to measure thousands of daily activities across your cloud tools. It merges the data collected into an easy-to-use dashboard and presents employee productivity as a simple, easy-to-understand score. The consistent measurement you get across teams – no matter where your employees are working from – provides real insight into engagement and accountability.
Prodoscore integrates with the tools your business uses the most, including Access One’s UCaaS system, Office 365, leading CRMs, and many other commonly used cloud tools. This means that installing Prodoscore is quick and easy, and you’ll get productivity intelligence delivered to you within hours of implementation. There’s no impact on the end user, data is pulled automatically each day, and you’ll get useful reports such as trending data for daily, weekly, and even monthly productivity.
Prodoscore is an effective tool for capturing key productivity data whether your employees are working from home, in the office, or in a hybrid arrangement. You’ll discover if there are areas where your employees aren’t succeeding so that you can create actionable plans to keep them engaged and productive – even from home. Certain activities that were simple and quick in the office such as a system or software update may take 10 times longer for employees working remotely. Prodoscore will help you capture information of this nature so that you can make smarter decisions on everything from employee training and onboarding to cloud business application adoption.
If you’re concerned about productivity, Prodoscore is the solution you need to ensure your employees are engaged and productive. Discover the advantages of Access One’s partnership with Prodoscore here. To learn more about the tool and how it adds value to your business – wherever your employees might be – contact Access One today.