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A new year means there are new IT terms to know. Some of these may actually be familiar to you, but like technology itself, their meaning and usage have evolved. To stay on the same page as your IT department, service providers, and competitors, know these seven terms (in no particular order):

  1. Artificial Intelligence. AI refers to software or machines with a human-like ability to make decisions and learn over time. AI will be a big buzzword in 2020 and is considered by some to be an IT megatrend of the future. 
  2. Internet of Things. IoT is growing in usage and popularity. What is IoT? Everyday, physical objects are connected to the internet and each other. IoT sensors can interact and cooperate with each other and provide valuable data to those who seek to use it for analytics purposes.
  3. Blockchain. Blockchain was invented in 2008 to enable bitcoin users to exchange currency without the risk of being duped with counterfeit bitcoin, but bitcoin is just an example of its use now. Today, blockchain is more widely applied as a secure, encrypted record keeper for anything from online shopping to major transactions at financial institutions. 
  4. Mobile First. This is another term that may not sound new, but as the online experience evolves, it’s becoming more and more important to design websites and applications for mobile before designing for the desktop. 
  5. Multiexperience. This one may be a new buzzword to many. It refers to replacing humans who have technological expertise with platforms or technology instead. Dashboards that provide a wealth of information to end users in one place are an example of this. It’s still relatively young, but experts predict it’ll become more immersive (and useful) thanks to virtual reality and augmented reality applications. 
  6. Biometrics. If you’ve encountered a newer smartphone, you’ve probably seen or have had to set up biometric access. As the technology develops, utilizing fingerprints, voice recognition, and even retinal scans will become more and more common as a means to add a layer of security. 
  7. 5G. The term stands for fifth-generation cellular wireless, and all U.S. carriers now have some form of 5G. The idea is that it provides higher speeds, lower latency, and the ability to connect many devices at once. The initial rollout has been messy, as with many new technologies, but 5G is expected to become the standard for mobile internet in 2020. 

Does the idea of rapidly changing technologies and terminology have your head spinning? The experts at Access One are here to translate this complicated technology landscape into effective solutions that will drive the success of your business. Get in touch with us today to learn about our consultative, hands-on, client-focused services.